Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Damage control

I am going to the beach w/ my family this weekend, and will no be able to work out on Friday, so the temptation was the call this week a wash. But, I'm going to be good.
I got my arse up early this morning and went and had a decent workout. I still have that weird tightness in my shoulder from the decline triceps extensions I did on Friday. I am going to monitor that.
Anyway, rather than having two whole breakfasts, I broke first breakfast into two parts. Pre gym was shredded wheat with strawberries and skim milk (still lovin the berries).

AFTER the gym, I had my three links of Turkey breakfast sausage. And get this. Today I went with a diet mountain dew! This sucker is gross too, but I bought it, so I'm drinking it.

A few minutes ago, I somewhat mindlessly had a few (half serving?) of multi grain crackers. Until lunch, I am done!

1 comment:

pitlifeus said...

That diet mountain dew is good to me, you have to switch it up every once in a while!