Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Break, breakdown - steadybreakinmeon -down

I had a near meltdown today. I was supposed to be going to a "bar crawl" with Mikey and some of his friends. On the way over, i was seized with what I think was an honest to god panic attack. There were what seemed to be millions of people, of varying degrees of jackassery, streaming from the midtown bars. Let me paint good: All straight white people, between the ages of 24-34, dressed in trendy and or preppy things, all wearing bright green arm bands indicating that they were part of the "crawl". At least six white girls walked by me twisting with that look on their face that said "I know you want me, but you can't have me." By the time I got to Mackey, my head hurt, and I was disoriented. It was some combination of confusion, anger and disappointment. So I had to cancel on Mikey. I think he took it fairly well. He didn't call me a pussy or anything, like usual.
So, I decided to go see Todd in Georgetown. On my way over, I had a diet coke, and realized that my problem was that I hadn't had caffeine all day! half way through the DC I was fine.
Anyway, Todd and I went to some restaurant in Georgetown - Paul Smith's maybe?
Anyway, I went salad again. Todd and I split a spinach/artichoke dip as well. What's the deal with that stuff? I mean, what is the artichoke contributing? Are spinach, creme and cheese not enough to constitute a good dip? I demand that artichoke be removed from. Anyway, the salad was good -greens, cucumbers, obligatory grilled chicken, honey-mustard dressing on the side. I also had a couple of beers.

Desseert Moratorium Day 3: I am losing my mind. All I can think about are cake and ice cream and various other desserts. I'm thinking about smoking pot or cookin up some meth to distract myself. Nothing like a little addiction transfer. Augusten would be proud.

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