Saturday, July 7, 2007

17th Street Cafe

After sleeping until 10:30! I met Jay, Todd and Ira at 17th Street-Cafe. Owned by Jay's friend Chris, it's a neat little bar/restaurant/lounge place. In the age of free wi-fi everywhere, the old Cyber Stop didn't make too much sense anymore.
The food was decent. I'm not sure it was anything I couldn't have gotten for the same price. I had the "hangover cure," which included eggs, smoked salmon, hashbrowns (which I didn't eat), and toast (which I ate half of). I'll probably go back b/c I like the guy that owns it and it's reasonably good and close.

In the afternoon, I had a small salad of mixed greens with some of that spritzy asian dressing. Frank and Alex also talked me into having two servings of multi grain chips and salsa.

Call it lunch or dinner 1, I had a burger and chips at a party with Todd and Ira. The burger was delicious - hadn't had one cooked on the grill in eons. The chips were also good. I had a miller chill, a YuenLing and a diet coke as well.

Dinner or Dinner II depending on how you think of it was a half bowl of chili and a half piece of cornbread at Stoney's.

One more miller chill and two Amstel Lites for the rest of the night.
I found myself with Mike and one of his friends way too late in Adams Morgan. I watched them eat their jumbo slices and, while I was tempted, I resisted. I think it was a good move, considering how late it was.

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