Saturday, June 30, 2007

Some more friday

Friday afternoon was a real drag. What started out as a fairly productive day ended up going to hell. I was still working on stupid press highlights when six thirty rolled around. Who works late on a FRIDAY? Anyway...
I got home by 7:30, and had myself a handful of blueberries, b/c I had dinner plans. Because my 8:30 dinner plans (shockingly) got pushed back to 9:00, I was forced to eat some dessert concoction Tracy made for us with fruity and creme and shit.

Dinner - For some reason, having only eaten one serving at Indian, I felt entitled to pasta. So, I had some linguine..yes, with creme and veggies. The only appetizing / affordable meat dish on the menu something called "Rigatini" and Neil was ordering that, so I didn't bother. My waist-line thanks me, I'm sure. The Peroni (Italian beer) I had with it wasn't half bad, though.

Rest of the night consisted of one vodka drink and a few Miller Lites. It would have been one miller Lite, but my friend came out and he's a drinker / pressurer. Anyway, it was good to have a noob on board. We saw some guy passed out completely on the side-walk outside stoney's when we came from not eating there --- that's right, we went in, sat down for like 4 minutes, talked and then walked out. We all know that ordinarily I would have gone for the chili w/ cornbread or something, but I didn't have the heart to write it down. And thank goodness - Saturday was a doozie.

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