Monday, November 15, 2010

Fit for The King

I should be reading tax right now, but I have that feeling again. It's what I imagine a dog feels like when you yell at it for wetting the carpet or something.

I got a surprise invite to dinner from someone who has always been skinny and somehow when they decided to get a burger, I decided to get a burger too. Definitely also succumbed to the "while I'm here" fallacy and decided that an insane burger would probably make it "worth it."

And so, somehow I ended up at Charlie's Kitchen surrounded by hipsters, freaks and townies, drinking a (just okay) Abita Pecan Harvest beer and eating a burger with bacon, cheese, and PEANUT BUTTER. It was delicious, but I am pretty sure Elvis died eating something very similar.

Anyway, the sickly full feeling I have, combined with the impending sense of doom about holiday parties and so forth have brought me back. Watching a cable access show about weight loss probably didn't help. At any rate, the holidays should be fun.

Cookie and Cake Demons, indeed.


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